Hello Everyone.
I’ve been quiet for a while, so I wanted to pop in and give a quick status update for Fanboy News Network.
Back in mid-June, I put the podcast and the site on hiatus while my wife and I sold our house. We completed the move and started getting things set up again, but life threw some complications at us. So now, several months later, I am taking stock of what I want to do with the site.
When I stopped writing articles for FNN in 2015, I thought it would be temporary. But the new job I started did not leave me with the time or the brain bandwidth for writing. That has changed. So, my immediate goal is to begin writing articles again. Site statistics show a lot of traffic on those older articles and they are the main way that new people discover the site. If all goes to plan, expect to see the articles start again by mid-March. As before, the articles will be a mix of current events in geek culture, media reviews, and examining the foundations of geek culture.
Daniel and I still intend to bring the podcast back. Our challenge is that we now live an hour apart, instead of 15 minutes. We are looking at the logistics and once we have figured it out, we will bring the podcast back. The podcast will continue to center on recent events in geek culture.
I will also introduce a new feature to the site soon: videos. With help from my friends at The Video Nasty Project, I will start to make videos in a studio we are setting up in my house. These videos will focus on the early movies that formed the foundation of modern geek culture with the occasional side series and commentary. Expect this series to start by early summer.
I look at Fanboy News Network as a labor of love. I do it and will keep working on it because it brings me joy to do so. But as a wise man once said, “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” To that end, I am finally working on setting up a Patreon account. Expect to see that go live around the same time as the videos.
If you want to keep up with what I have been doing during the hiatus, check out The Video Nasty Project where I am a regular reviewer. I also pop in from time to time as a guest commentator on the podcast Don’t Read the Latin.
It feels good to be back.