Fanboy News Network Episode 61

“Year of the Justifiably Defensive Lobster”

Jeff and Daniel are looking forward to the Good Omens TV show.

Discussion of the recent fatal Swatting incident and the Logan Paul suicide forest video.

Jeff and Daniel talk about Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Jeff reviews the last movie he saw of 2017: Dave Made a Maze. He also reviews the first movie he saw in 2018: The Shape of Water.

Jeff’s favorite movie of 2017 Get Out and its cultural impact.

Daniel’s favorite movie of 2017 is the documentary Kedi.

A look back at the geek culture movies of 2017.

Jeff talk’s about how Wolf 359 had a wonderful final episode vs the botched job of the final Black Tapes Podcast.

What Jeff and Daniel are looking forward to in 2018.

The final Doctor Who of the Moffet era and the handoff from the 12th to 13th Doctor.

Daniel reviews the series the Expanse.

The unexpected joy of the Orville and keeping the spirit of Star Trek alive.

Fanboy News Network Episode 58

“Setting expectations”

Expectations on movie performance and why a #1 box office movie can be considered a flop. Also, how properly setting expectations can improve a movies reception.

For Halloween Jeff watched the original Halloween and Prince of Darkness.

Plans to see Thor: Ragnarok and the last trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Why Jeff stopped watching Disjointed.

A quick review of the CW superhero shows.

The surprise that is the Orville.

Why Jeff tapped out on watching the Inhumans, but is staying with Agents of SHEILD. Also, the great West Wing/SHEILD fan cannon.

A spoiler free look at Stranger Things 2.

Why Streaming is pushing the Networks to step up their game.

Praise for Shout Factory (and Scream Factory)

In comics news the boys cover the DC reboot of the Jetsons, with a digression to Harvey Birdman and Batman ’66.

Discussion of Halloween costumes of the rich and famous.

Looking at the podcast Limetown and how it shows that even a podcast that hasn’t updated in years can still be a going effort.

The last run of Wolf 359 and why it should be adapted as a streaming service.