Fanboy News Network Episode 56

“Jeff makes poor choices”

Daniel finally sees Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Jeff talks about seeing the Riff Trax “Five Doctors”, 7 Witches, and Colossal.

Why directors shouldn’t always get to make their childhood favorites.

Jeff makes the choice to finally watch Suicide Squad to review it for the podcast.

Praise for Ed Skrein’s decision on White Washing and Chole Bennent’s comments on race in Hollywood.

Jeff binged the Defenders and the Tick.

Daniel talks Game of Thrones, and what the producers want to do next.

Bringing the Watchmen into the main DC Universe.

Marvel brings the Nazi Captain America story to a poorly executed conclusion.

The casting of Good Omens.

Daniel talks about reading the Secret History of Wonder Woman and Jeff talks about reading Sandman Slim.

Fanboy News Network Episode 45

“Better Late then Never”

Technical difficulties delayed the release of this episode thus the title and why some subjects may seem out of date.

Dainel Talks about Suicide Squad.

RIP Gene Wilder

The failure of Star Trek Beyond’s ad campaign.

The boys growing excitement for Rogue One.

Jeff has commentary on theme park rides and park events.

Daniel comments on Kubo and the Two Strings.

Discussion about the Labor day geek events, including Pax, Burning Man, and Dragon Con.

Daniel is finally watching Penny Dreadful. Jeff goes out of his way not to crush Daniel’s hope for the characters with spoilers.

Jeff finally got around to seeing Stranger Things and shares his thoughts.

The boys speculate about the Luke Cage and Tick series coming to streaming, as well as Superman being included on Supergirl.

Jeff talks about playing No Man’s Sky.

On Book’s Jeff can’t decide if he wants to read Sandman Slim next or go to the latest Wild Cards book.

Daniel has read 7 Eves by Neil Stephenson, the First Expanse book, and I am Providence.

A quick recap of the Hugo Awards.

Jeff updates on several Podcasts including a progress update on Family Skeletons and Daniel talks about why he likes the resurgence of Sci-Fi and Horror in the medium.