Time for a site update

Back in March I announced that I was putting the articles on hiatus while I worked on my script.

Well I have finished that script, so now it’s time to bring the articles back.

What you can expect is a return to the weekly alternation between articles and the podcast. All new content will still go up on Mondays.

So next week will be a new episode of the Podcast and then after that will be the first new article.

As for the script, I am getting it ready to be sent out to other people involved in the project, with the goal of getting feedback in by early October and then hopefully we can figure out how we are going to produce it. For those of you interested in follow that projects progress I will be sending out periodic updates on my Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fanboy-news-network

Thank you.

Fanboy News Network Episode 26

“D3 Expo”

Jeff starts out with an announcement about upcoming updates to the site.

Discussion on the fall out of Fantastic Four flopping.

R.I.P. Yvonne Craig

R.I.P. Rowdy Roddy Piper

Jeff talks about his love of wrestling, the history of wrestler Stardust and the upcoming match with Arrow star Stephen Amell.

The announcements out of D23 expo, including Marvel, Star Wars, Jungle Cruise, Pirate of the Caribbean and more.

Recent events in comics.

The difference between comics that have clear endings, ongoings with status quo and ongoings that evolve.


Fanboy News Network Episode 25

Fanboy News Network Episode 25

“When Conventions implode”

Jeff and Daniel talk about Galacticon IV and how spectacularly it fell apart.

Discussion about The Women in Comics panel at Gen Con and how Bill Willingham turned it into clinic on Mansplaining.

The controversy surrounding the ENnies award.

Daniel finally finishes Daredevil.

The success of the Ant-Man Film

The failure of the Fantastic Four and Pixels